RCM theory exam evaluate the understanding of the building blocks of music, from the basics of notation at the Elementary levels to structural and harmonic analysis at the Advanced levels. Candidates will award certificates of level 5 to A.R.C.T if they can successfully complete the requirements for practical and theory examinations.

We offer all levels RCM theory classes

If you are in:

Level 5—-> you need Level 5 Theory
Level 6—-> you need Level 6 Theory
Level 7—-> you need Level 7 Theory
Level 8 —->you need Level 8 Theory

( If you never take 5,6,7 theory class, you can take Level 5-8 Theory class together)

Level 9 —->you need Level 9 Harmony & Level 9 History
Level 10—> you need Level 10 Harmony & Level 10 History
A.R.C.T. —>you need A.R.C.T. Harmony, Analysis & History


You may also be eligible for high school credits if you complete the following (Ontario criteria):

Grade 7 practical and Level 7 Theory equals one Grade 11 credit

Grade 8 practical and Level 8 Theory equals one Grade 12 credit

RCM Theory classes Terms: All theory classes are in 3 months terms starting September, February and May

RCM Theory Exam Dates: May,August,December


If you want to take private or semi-private lessons ,please contact our front desk!

Cadenza Music School

Since 2015
