There are four parts to the RCM practical exam (Level1 – Level10):

Repertoire (pieces) (56%)

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Getting ready a repertoire for a grade level involves more than learning three pieces and two studies. It consists of learning about styles, about composers, listening to the music of different times, learning the difference between them and being able to play many new and fascinating pieces. I recommend a beginning learning period in each grade level where you’re taking in a great deal of repertoire when everything is original, fresh, and a little awkward for the beginner. Then slightly later on during your studies, you can limit yourself focus on what you will be playing in future at festivals and exams, enhance your performance and doing the memory work well in advance.

Technique (24%)

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Learn your technique early, and learn it correctly. Scales, chords, and arpeggios. Learn them well. Learn the technical requirements for your grade in advance. Practice them regularly every day. Combine them , starting with major, then minor, scales, then chords. The possibilities are endless. You can improve your skills once your technique procedures become part of your practice regimen.

Ear Tests (10%) & Sight Reading (10%)

How to improve the score? ——–>>> Join our sight reading and ear training classes

A great deal of students whose playing skills would in different certain circumstances be adequate enough to propel them to a level of 80% (First Class Honors) don’t get there at the end of their exam, they trip on sight reading and ear training..Under other conditions, they can achieve a good mark here and you will definitely increase your chances of rising above 80% for the entire exam.I strongly recommend to our students that they dedicate the time for learning ear training and sight reading system for each grade, so that they can reach as high as they can on this part of the exam. Ear training and sight reading accounts for 20% of the total score, and those are the marks that you really desire.

Cadenza Music School

Since 2015
